Campaign Ideation | Print Design | Digital Design
Each year, Rocket Companies has an internal campaign to raise employee awareness of Open Enrollment, the time period at Rocket Companies when over 30,000+ employees can change their healthcare and benefit options without a qualifying event. In 2021, I got to come up with concepts, and then lead the design campaign for Open Enrollment. The benefits team at Rocket Companies is called Total You, so the theme for 2021 was “I Am Total You,” with the goal of reaching team members across multiple companies and disciplines.
The team: Leah Castile (Photography) • Carrie Pitzer (Photography) •
Sarah Fogel (Art Direction & Mentorship) • Katelyn Kaptur (Deliverable Roll-Out) • Mhatzapa (Illustration) • Natasha Pankina (Illustration)
Sarah Fogel (Art Direction & Mentorship) • Katelyn Kaptur (Deliverable Roll-Out) • Mhatzapa (Illustration) • Natasha Pankina (Illustration)